Yandal Resources serves up more high-grade gold aces at Flushing Meadows

Yandal Resources Ltd (ASX:YRL) has received further 1-metre sample assay results of up to 45.92 g/t gold from reverse circulation (RC) drilling at the Flushing Meadows prospect in the highly prospective Yandal Greenstone Belt in WA.
The 45.92 g/t 1-metre intersection from 58 metres was within a broader 12 metres at 5.58 g/t from 53 metres.
High grades returned
The RC drilling returned high grades from both shallow oxide and deep transitional material at Flushing Meadows which is in the Ironstone Well project.
Other strong 1-metre results included 18.75 g/t from 37 metres within 2 metres at 9.77 g/t from 37 metres and 11.03 g/t from 104 metres within 7 metres at 4.73 g/t from 102 metres.
“Open pit potential”
Yandal Resources managing director Lorry Hughes said, “RC drilling results continue to provide encouragement to advance Flushing Meadows through feasibility studies and mining approvals.
“These new high-grade results improve the potential to define an economically viable open pit as they are quite shallow.”
A total of 41 RC holes for 3,699 metres have been completed as part of an ongoing 20,000-metre drilling program designed to test resource expansion and discovery targets.
Program to resume next quarter
This program will resume in the March quarter of 2020 upon receipt of all pending assays from Flushing Meadows and regional targets within the Ironstone Well and Barwidgee gold projects.
Location of key prospects within the Ironstone Well, Barwidgee and Mt McClure projects in relation to third-party infrastructure and project tenure.
Results to date have generally confirmed the current geological interpretation of multiple parallel northeast dipping lodes that have been subjected to intense weathering processes.
The weathering has typically caused variable levels of depletion and supergene enrichment of gold within the oxide zones.
Hughes said, “Our current geological interpretation consists of multiple northeast dipping lodes and it is proving to be fairly consistent along the deposit strike length within the oxide and transitional zones tested to date.
“It is clear though that infill drilling is required particularly in the northern half of the deposit to assess, lode geometry, variability and distribution of higher-grade zones and improve confidence in the selection of grade estimation parameters for resource modelling.
“At the completion of the current program, a significant strike length within primary zones will have been tested.
“New targets generated may identify plunge components and/or faulRead More – Source