Imugene appoints surgeon-scientist Dr Rebecca Auer to oncolytic virotherapy advisory board

Imugene Ltd (ASX:IMU) has appointed Dr Rebecca Auer to its newly formed oncolytic virotherapy (OV) Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).
Dr Auer is an associate professor at the Department of Surgery and Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa.
She is also a surgical oncologist at The Ottawa Hospital and Tier 2 Clinical Research Chair in Perioperative Cancer Therapeutics, University of Ottawa.
As a surgeon-scientist, Dr. Auer heads a research laboratory and is the principle investigator in related clinical trials.
Perioperative cancer therapies
Dr. Auers translational research program focuses on understanding the promotion of metastatic disease in the perioperative period, following surgical stress.
In particular she is studying novel perioperative cancer therapies, including OVs, cancer vaccines and targeted therapies, which inhibit the formation of metastases postoperatively.
OVs are designed to both selectively kill tumour cells and deliver a potent payload, which togeRead More – Source