Corazon Mining to test near-surface expansion targets in new drilling at Canadian nickel sulphide project

Corazon Mining Ltd (ASX:CZN) intends to begin drilling this month at Lynn Lake Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Sulphide Project in Manitoba, Canada, after completing a targeting program focusing on areas surrounding historic mines.
Targeting work incorporated the analysis and integration of multiple historical exploration datasets combined with modern geophysical processing technologies.
Several high-priority drill targets have been defined and preparations for drilling these targets is underway.
Permits for drilling have been granted by the provincial government of Manitoba and a drilling contractor has been engaged with the company intending to begin the program as soon as possible.
Priority drill targets at the Lynn Lake mine area include:
- Near-surface mineralisation;
- Areas on-trend from historical mines; and
- Areas adjacent to the companys existing resources.
In addition, several new high-potential areas that are geophysically analogous to previously mined areas have also been defined within the Lynn Lake mining centre.
Lynn Lake Nickel camp focus
The recent recovery of nickel has led the company to undertake a strategic review of the project.
Corazon has consolidated the entire Lynn Lake nickel camp and its extensive historical datasets, which includes more than 75 years of exploration and 24 years of mining information.
The company is the first to gain control of the entire Lynn Lake nickel caRead More – Source