Alkane Resources closes in on maiden JORC for Roswell after more assays received

Alkane Resources Ltd (ASX:ALK) has received assays for a further 8,000 metres of drilling as part of its ongoing 60,000-metre program at the San Antonio and Roswell prospects within the Tomingley Gold Project in NSW.
Highlights from San Antonio include 21 metres at 2.93 g/t gold from 42 metres, 12 metres at 2.52 g/t gold from 57 metres, and 20 metres at 2.92 g/t gold from 167 metres.
Highlights from Roswell include 24 metres at 2.44 g/t gold from 99 metres and 15 metres at 6.22 g/t gold from 75 metres.
The first phase of Roswell drilling is now complete with samples to form part of an initial resource that is expected to be released in early December.
Objective is to prove up additional ore feed
The goal of the exploration program is to drill out gold resources that can later be mined as extensions to the nearby Tomingley Gold Operations.
Those operations comprise an open-pit mine with a 1 million tonnes per annum processing facility that is transitioning to underground through 2019.
A 60,000-metre resource definition drilling program was initiated in June 2019 at the Roswell and San Antonio prospeRead More – Source