PNX Metals makes steady progress on Hayes Creek zinc-gold-silver project DFS

PNX Metals Ltd (ASX:PNX) is progressing the definitive feasibility study (DFS) on its Hayes Creek zinc-gold-silver project, 170 kilometres from the port of Darwin in the Northern Territory.
The companys chairman Graham Ascough said at the 2019 annual general meeting that the DFS is on schedule and is expected to provide increased confidence in all aspects of the project.
Two parallel strategies aimed at unlocking value for shareholders
Ascough added: “We are also investigating opportunities to improve overall project economics and to meet the companys objective to be a successful explorer and a sustainable and profitable gold and base metals producer.
“Significant levels of work continue on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Hayes Creek with a current focus on site evaluation, waste rock management, flora and fauna surveys, and stakeholder consultation.
“The results of this work will be used to prepare the Projects EIS for submission by mid-2020 and will be a key milestone in the development approvals process.
“On the exploration side, we are awaiting assays from recently completed drilling at the Fountain Head gold deposit that was designed to test open areas adjacent to the current resource envelope and for potential higher-grade trap sites within the resource estimate.
“The Fountain Head site is an integral part of the Hayes Creek Project as it is the preferred location for the processing plant and tailings facility.
“The area is also host to a number of high-grade gold prospects and recently the company completed its first JORC compliant mineral resource which contains an estimated 138,000 oz of gold.
“The relative values of mining some or all of these mineral resources versus using the historic open pits for tails from the Hayes Creek Project, and staged development of mining and processing via gold heap leaching prior to processing resources from the Hayes Creek Project is currently under evaluation.
“The board and management remain confident that continued exploration work will be successful in growing the resource base on our NT projects and that the completion of the DFS at the Hayes Creek Project in 2020 will provide confidence in this development opRead More – Source