Man bumps into his doppelgänger at a wedding and theyre wearing the same outfit

Azly Yozof, 30, was attending a wedding and decided to go for a casual look, wearing a red T-shirt and jeans.
When he asked his pal Amir Zulfadhli Zulkifly to take a picture, they noticed another guest behind Azly.
To their amusement, the guest was Azlys doppelgänger, even wearing the same outfit – black-rimmed glasses and all.
Azly and Amir spotted the twin on stage as he posed with the groom.
Amir zoomed in and got the perfect angles to capture Azly and his twin side by side.
The duo found the whole thing hilarious as Azly laughed into the camera, which caught his lookalikes attention, setting the other guests off laughing too.
What are the chances?
Amir said: Me and Azly are the grooms boyhood friends and the other man was his friend from work.
This was the first time we had ever met and it was really funny.
More: Fashion
It was just a coincidence that Azly and his doppelgänger were both wearing red shirts.
”They look like twins but theyre not related in any way.
We are planning to arrange a meeting for the two to see each other again and this time we will take a picture of them together.

These two are not the only ones to turn up to a wedding in the same attire.
Three grandmas coincidently rocked up in the same lacy blue number and they totally rocked it.
They also went for a picture, posing side by side as they atRead More – Source