Australia’s biggest bogan is crowned during inugural festival | Photos

Mullets, flaneys, shoeys, Dazza's and Shazza's were out in full force across the central west recently when the town's of Parkes, Condobolin and Forbes hosted Australia's Biggest Bogan Festival. There were many prizes and activities held across each of the town's, including Bogan Gates and involved, judging the best mullet, worst tattoo and karaoke. This was the first time that the Australia's Biggest Bogan Festival was held and organisers were impressed with the July 12-14 event. Canberra's Ryan Leigh 'Bogan' Edwards was crowned the nation's biggest bogan and he also won best mullet. Organiser Dane Millerd was pleased to see approximately 500 people attend the festival over the three days. A percentage of the event's proceeds will help raise funds for Currajong Disability Services as well as the Bogan Gate community. Mr Millerd thanked all of the sponsors and volunteers for their support. ALSO MAKING NEWS:
Australia's biggest bogan is crowned during inugural festival | Photos
Canberra's Ryan Leigh 'Bogan' Edwards who was crowned the nation's biggest bogan. Photo: Australia's Buggest Bogan Faceboo
Doing a schoey. Photo: Australia's Buggest Bogan Facebook.
Ryan also won the 'best mullet'. Photo: Australia's Biggest Bogan Facebook.
The Sausage Sandwich Eating Champion was Martin Carney who ate 25 sausage sandwiches and raised $75 for Currajong Disability Services. Photo: Australia's Biggest Bogan Facebook.
Mullets, flaneys, shoeys, Dazza's and Shazza's were out in full force acrosRead More – Source
Nyngan Observer