Seniors step on with road safety

Nyngan's seniors have had a lesson in pedestrian and road safety thanks to the Step On program at the Nyngan Health Service. Police visited to discuss hazards, strategies and identifications for senior drivers and pedestrians. Police Sergeant Tony Wood said the program is something they enjoy doing each year. "It allows us to engage with a section of the community we don't normally get to," he said. READ ALSO: "While seniors are very well informed and aware of safety issues, it's always good to discuss recent trends, changes in legislation and traffic, drivers licencing and road safety. "Sergeant David Thomas, who has 30 years of experience, took numerous questions and The free program is for people 65 and over and includes practical exercises to improve strength and balance and covers a range of topics and sessions with local health professionals and guest speakers. The group-based sessions run for two hours a week for seven weeks, followed by a refresher session two months later.
Nyngan's seniors have had a lesson in pedestrian and road safety thanks to the Step On program at the Nyngan Health Service.
Police visited to discuss hazards, strategies and identifications for senior drivers and pedestrians.
Police Sergeant Tony Wood said the program is something they enjoy doing each year.
"It allows us to engage with a section of the community we don't normally get to," he said.
"While seniors are very well informed and aware of safety issues, it's always good to discuss reRead More – Source
Nyngan Observer