Community face their fears of ‘things that bite and sting’

Would you know what to do if you come across a snake or get bitten by a venomous snake or spider? Run? Kill it? Scream for help? A young Nyngan girl has faced her fears, confronting a four metre olive python, after a free workshop delivered to the community. Last month residents were offered a free 'things that bite and sting' workshop with reptile and insect consultant Julian Craig to provide potentially life-saving advice on venomous animals. Mr Craig was in town to provide training to Tritton Aeris Resources staff, and offered a free training night for the community. READ ALSO: Environmental Advisor at Aeris Resources, Dean Woods said it was a great way to not only raise an awareness about venomous bites and what to do, but help people face their fears. "Most people have a fear of snakes,and this workshop gives people more of an understanding and make people feel a little more comfortable around them," Mr Woods said. "Julian was in town to provide training to Tritton's staff on how to safely capture and relocate snakes and generously offered to run the night free of charge. "The session was full of interesting and potentially life-saving information on venomous animals, Julian has a real passion for this field and it was a great opportunity to hear his stories." The highlight of the three-hour session for Mr Woods was watching young Matilda Denovan, who was initially reluctant around the creatures, face her fears. "Matilda was initially very reluctant to share the same room as Julian's snake collection, however over the course of the evening she made great progress. "By the end we have a photo of her stroking a four metre olive python. "So through the session, its awareness and making people feel comfortable around the animals was really cool to see." Mr Woods said the mine hope to run another community session to inform the community about potentially life-saving information.
Community face their fears of 'things that bite and sting'
Adam Bourke and snake with Jordan Lane looking on.
THINGS THAT BITE: Matilda Denovan cozying up next to a four metre olive python. Photo: CONTRIBUTED
Would you know what to do if you come across a snake or get bitten by a venomous snake or spider?
Run? Kill it? Scream for help?
A young Nyngan girl has faced her fears, confronting a four metre olive python, after a free workshop delivered to the community.
Last month residents were offered a free 'things that bite and sting' workshop with reptile and insect consultant Julian Craig to provide potentially life-saving advice on venomous animals.
Mr Craig was in town to provide training to Tritton Aeris Resources staff, and offered a free training night for the community.
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Nyngan Observer