Mall of America balcony throw victim Landen Hoffman regains consciousness

A five year-old boy hurled from the third floor of one of Americas largest malls has regained consciousness.
Landen Hoffman is reported to be alert and conscious two weeks after being thrown approximately 40ft onto a marble floor at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, on April 12.
According to KSMP, Landen is no longer in a critical condition, but will require further surgery. Earlier this week it was announced that the boy did not suffer brain damage, which was initially feared due to the severity of the attack.
Family spokesman Stephen Tillitt credited the Hoffman familys faith for Landens miraculous recovery from the horrific plunge, saying: All praise and glory and honor to Jesus.
He saved our sons life and is healing him in the most miraculous ways.
Emmanuel Aranda, 24, has been arrested on suspicion of throwing Landen from the balcony, and charged with attempted murder.
Aranda reportedly threw the boy off the third floor balcony after he became enraged, telling police that women had been rejecting his advances at the mall for years.
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Witnesses said Hoffman hit the floor with a sickening thud as bystanders rushed to help the boy who was laying motionless…in a pool of blood, the Daily News Reported.
Police on the scene gave the boy CPR and rushed him to the hospital, reporting that he suffered serious injuries.
Eyewitnesses said Aranda approached the Hoffmans mother and Landen, picked him up and tossed him over the edge.
Brian Johnson told WCCO: She was screaming “Everyone pray, everyone pray. Oh my God, my baby, someone threw him over the edge.”
He continued: She was screaming like a banshee, like theres no tomorrow. I just dont know. Everyone was in shock.
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Aranda tried to flee the scene after hurling Hoffman over the balcony railing, pushing a witness out of the way who tried to stop him, police said.
He was later arrested on a train outside the mall.
Prior to the attack, Aranda had been convicted of multiple assault charges and was banned from the mall.