Husband killed wife then put kids in a car with her burnt corpse

A man killed his wife then put her two kids, aged 3 and 7, in a car alongside their mothers burnt corpse, police say.
Jeanine Cammarata, 37, was allegedly killed by her estranged husband Michael Cammarata, 42, and his six-months-pregnant girlfriend, Ayisha Egea, 41, on March 30 in New York City.
Afterwards, the couple burned Jeanines body and put her remains in a plastic bin with air fresheners, which they transported in a car with the victims two children and three of Egeas kids to a storage facility, police say.
Surveillance footage from the Arden Heights storage facility shows the accused pair accompanied by the five children, who police say were likely oblivious to the charred corpse inside the plastic bin, Staten Island Live reported.
Investigators discovered the bin on April 4 and said the body was unrecognizable. Police are still waiting on an autopsy to determine cause of death.
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Before she was killed, Janine had filed for divorce and was due in Family Court two days after she was killed, her divorce attorney Eric Gansberg said.
Sources close to Jeanine said that she feared Michael, who was allegedly physically abusive.
This guy was a controlling guy, and he controlled her by beating her, said Jose Perez, who worked with the victim.