Worker sent cartwheeling into the air after being hit by a car

Terrifying footage shows a construction worker being hurled into the air by a car which came up behind him.
Xolele Phindela, 32, suffered serious injuries in the crash and had to be taken to hospital.
Video was caught by chance on a dashcam in the car travelling behind shows Phindela cartwheel in the air while his spade is also thrown up.
Elri DeMeillon, a passenger in the car behind, told the Sun: At first when it happened I thought he had a lost an arm or a leg from the impact.
But when we when we watched the footage you could see it was his spade. I shudder to think what would have happened to our family if that had come through our windscreen.
The crash in Cape Town, South Africa appears to have happened when the car left its lane to overtake a lorry.