Rapids Landing steps into cultural exchange program

Students, teachers and staff at Rapids Landing Primary School received a visit from some international guests last week, to mark the signing of a sister school agreement. Representative teachers from Yayasan Pendidikan Etika Dharma schools from Surabaya, East Java arrived at the Margaret River campus as part of an ongoing cultural connection initiative led by the Rapids Landing languages teacher, Angela McCoy. Rapids Landing principal Lisa Helenius said the initiative opened up many 'real life' learning experiences for the community. "On Tuesday, Sony and Yo visited us for a day, providing lots of learning experiences for students and staff," Ms Helenius said of the visit. "Uniforms were tried on by many students with staff enjoying traditional cake and other goodies. "We certainly appreciated these real experiences with Angela, Sony and Yo as they strongly reflect the outcomes of our sister school relationship." The sister school program will support the study of Indonesian language and culture at the school while promoting the study of English in the context of Australian culture at the schools of Yayasan Pendidikan Etika Dharma. Future visits are planned to continue the cultural immersion between the schools, their students and staff.
Students, teachers and staff at Rapids Landing Primary School received a visit from some international guests last week, to mark the signing of a sister school agreement.
Representative teachers from Yayasan Pendidikan Etika Dharma schools from Surabaya, East Java arrived at the Margaret River campus as part of an ongoing cultural connection initiative led by the Rapids Landing languages teacher, Angela McCoy.
Rapids Landing Primary School principal Lisa Helenius with Sony Himawan Susanto of the Yayasan Pendidikan Etika Dharma schools.
Rapids Landing principal Lisa Helenius said the initiative opened up many 'real life' learning experiences for Read More – Source
Margaret River Mail