Swedish police officer arrests fugitive in sauna while both naked

Saunas, known in Sweden as 'bastu', are a crucial part of Swedish culture. Photo: Helena Wahlman/imagebank.sweden.se
A Stockholm policeman arrested a fugitive criminal on Friday evening after the two met completely naked in a steam sauna.
The officer was just starting to acclimatise to the intense heat, when through the haze, he realised that one of the men sitting next to him was a drugs offender who had gone on the run after being sentenced to prison.
"By a coincidence, and rather amusingly, they both recognised each other in the sauna," Christoffer Bohman, deputy police chief in the Stockholm district of Rinkeby, told Swedish state broadcaster SVT.
"It's easier to take action when you have your colleagues with you, and all your tools and equipment. This was as stripped-down as it gets — in more ways than one."
The arrest was potentially dangerous as the wanted man had also been found guilty of attempting to assault a public servant.
The officer was saluted in a post on the Rinkeby Police's Facebook page under the headline "naked arrest".
"To our dear colleague who kept your head cool when it was heating up to a potentially dangerous situation, despite being on yRead More – Source