
Call for Swedish swimming pool to bring back cash payments

Bråhögsbadet in Staffanstorp has ceased to take cash. Photo: Staffanstorp Municipality

A 60-year-old man is demanding the right to make cash payments at his local swimming pool, in the latest sign of a push-back against Sweden's increasingly cash-free society.

"I think it goes without saying that there should be an option of paying in cash, as not everyone has a bank card or [digital payment app] Swish," Bengt Mårtensson wrote in a citizen's petition sent to Staffanstorp municipality last month relating to payment options at his local swimming pool.

The pool's manager Stig Schrevelius told the local Sydsvenskan newspaper that the reception had stopped taking cash payments last year after it became increasingly difficult to get change from the bank, and following a break-in where a cash box was stolen.

"So far there haven't been any problems. Most people have a card, and you can also buy tickets online," Schrevelius said.

But Mårtensson said paying in cash was "a service we should be able to expect at a municipal swimming pool".

The municipal council inRead More – Source



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