Back to school for more than 70 grandparents | Photos

It was time to head back to school for more than 70 grandparents this month as they were welcomed to the fifth annual Margaret River Independent School 'Grandparent Day'. Following a delicious morning tea, the group shared their favourite childhood books with students, listened to the school choir, and visited the classrooms to spend time with their grandchildren. Principal Wendy Roediger said the idea of holding a 'Grandparents Day' was to promote inclusivity, community bonds and provide an opportunity to meet other MRIS grandparents. "The event was a was huge success with a large turnout of grandparents," Ms Roediger said. "We really value the input the MRIS grandparents have on our students and our school and we like to offer them the chance to come and visit us on campus, to volunteer their services whether it be helping with reading, working in the gardens or sharing their skills."
Back to school for more than 70 grandparents | Photos
Joy Nilssen-Linne with Grandfather, David Aslett
Kerry Harrold with grandson Jebb Harrold.
Frankie Johnstone and her grandmother Elaine Wilson
The MRIS Grandparents on campus this month.
It was time to head back to school for more than 70 grandparents this month as they were welcomed to the fifth annual Margaret River Independent School 'Grandparent Day'.
Following a delicious morning tea, the group shared their fRead More – Source
Margaret River Mail