Soggy start for the working week for some, with more on the way

A VERY soggy weekend for most of the region has been followed up by a wet Monday morning and predictions of more to come. Just two locations in the region received no rain at all during the weekend, while others received a good downfall. READ ALSO: Caught at 169km/h in same region where two motorcyclists killed Orange was the wettest place on the weekend with 29.0 millimetres of rain recorded by the Bureau of Meteorology's rain gauge at the city's airport. Young also had a good downfall with 27.4mm recorded across the two days, while Oberon received 26.6mm. There was also significant weekend rainfall in Bathurst (17.8mm), Dubbo (13.8mm), Lithgow (12.8mm), Mudgee (11.6mm) and Cowra (10.0mm). READ ALSO: Fine or fined? Here's what happens if you didn't vote in the state election Other locations received less than 10.0mm, while Forbes and Nyngan had no weekend rain. And if predictions are correct, the region will see another 30-35mm of of rain before the end of Friday. READ ALSO: 'Fresh eyes' on Trundle's 2019 ABBA Festival so fans can still have the time of their life
A VERY soggy weekend for most of the region has been followed up by a wet Monday morning and predictions of more to come.
Just two locations in the region received no rain at all during the weekend, while others received a good downfall.
Orange was the wettest place on the weekend with 29.0 millimetres of rain recorded by the Bureau of Meteorology's rain gauge atRead More
Nyngan Observer