Like Hitler, like Macron? Twitterstorm after Le Monde publishes controversial magazine cover

Le Monde has issued an apology over its cover after facing a barrage of accusations of comparing President Emmanuel Macron to Adolf Hitler. The magazine insisted that it “obviously” had no such parallel in mind.
The controversial image featured on the cover of the M le magazine du Monde, issued on Saturday. It contains a photo collage of Macron and the Yellow Vest protesters on the Champs Elysees.
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The image and its art style have definitely caught the eye of readers, with the President of the National Assembly Richard Ferrand suggesting that they might have invoked certain parallels.
The magazines readers have compared the cover to an illustration featuring a collage of Adolf Hitler and crowds saluting him. The two images do share a similar art style. The Hitler image was made by illustrator Lincoln Agnew, and was featured in an article by Harpers Magazine back in July 2017.
Many users, however, mocked those who were “offended” by the “comparison,” noting it was quite peculiar that Hitler was the first person who came to their minds.
The cover of the magazine might actually have compared Macron to the Communism ideologist Karl Marx, the jokers suggested.
Or the Bolshevik leader, Vladimir Lenin.
Or maybe even to a particular giant lizard, hell-bent on destruction.
Le Monde issued an apology for the disturbance that the cover has caused, but it rejected suggestions that had intended to compare Macron to the Nazi leader.
“We apologize to those who have been shocked by the graphic design which obviously does not correspond to the reproaches forwarded to us,” M le magazine du Mondes director, Luc Bronner, explained in an editorial note.
The image was influenced by Russian constructivism style, Bronner stated, pointing out that a number of earlier issues of the magazine featured covers of a similar style. Some of them were even made by the same illustrator, who produced the Hitler collage.
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