
As a young Unite member, Len McCluskey does not represent me on Brexit

There is one thing on which Len McCluskey and I agree: its clear we have a divided society.

And no longer is it the binary, simple Leave vs Remain. We now have many on the left calling for a “Corbyn/jobs-first Brexit”, with no indicator of what this really means.

As a young person, I yearn for a cohesive Labour Brexit stance that benefits not only party members but all people, including Unite members like myself.

Im therefore disappointed, if not surprised, by Len McCluskey and other leading political figures. Those who are meant to represent me and my interests seem to be making decisions on one criterion – the internal politics of the Labour Party.

In his recent article, McCluskey outlined his concerns regarding a second referendum, claiming we cannot undermine a “decision taken by a clear majority just two years ago”. Aside from the fact that this majority clearly no longer exists – with most polls showing a clear lead both for wanting a Peoples Vote and staying within the European Union – what about the members he is meant to represent?

YouGov polling shows that 57 per cent of young Unite members such as myself think our union should back a Peoples Vote. Four out of five of us would vote to stay within the European Union if such a vote were held. I therefore ask the leader of my union – why should our voices be ignored?

While neither the European Union nor a Peoples Vote should be absolved from criticism – I worry about whether Unites leadership truly understand the reasons why people voted Leave. When McCluskey refers to Mansfield – a town just 15 minutes away from my home – he argues that the core constituency there was to vote against the “the neo-liberal elite”. Im not convinced Mr McCluskey has spent much time in Mansfield, as it's clear from speaking to anyone there that this is not the case.

Under the Conservatives, the cuts to policing and social security have decimated much of Mansfields community. The average income is way below the national average, alongside a high unemployment rate and few opportunities for young people in the area. It is issues like this that caused 71 per cent of people in Mansfield to vote Leave, not a faceless political faction. But, in an area neglected under the Tories, the last thing young people need is the uncertainty and risk that the current Brexit will bring to their jobs and livelihoods.

McCluskey and I would also agree on the answer to what must done about tackling austerity. We need a Labour government to rectify the wrongs of the past decade – to be radical and rebuild an economy to work for the many, not the few.

The reality is that this cannot come about with a weak and incohesive stance on Brexit. As shown at the recent Labour Party conference and in recent polling, both Labour members (87 per cent) and young Unite members (57 per cent) are seeking a Peoples Vote.

This isnt just about winning: without a Peoples Vote, a future Labour government has no real opportunity to implement progressive, socialist legislative change, as we will be working to clean up the current Brexit mess.

Its clear that decisions regarding Brexit go past party lines. Unite jobs are at risk, a fact that it is time people recognised. As one of Britains largest unions, it is essential that at this time of national crisis, we stand in favour of workers, not internal party politics. Recent reports show we will be worse off with Brexit, a result that will disproportionately affect the young and the poor. We must stand tall against the hard Brexiters and say that no one voted for this deal.

While we must address concerns of Leave voters, we cannot do so by playing into the hands of right. The likes of Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage want to convince us that this is what people want, and we cannot be fooled. Unite workers did not vote to lose their jobs. Labour members did not vote to be worse off. British people did not vote to be poorer, internationally isolated and to be told what they believe.

Thats why I say again. As a young woman and a Unite member, I ask Len McCluskey: support the voices of your members who are asking for a chance to be heard. Recognise that a Peoples Vote is what the majority wants, and is in the interest of your members – including myself.

This isnt about putting country before party – I strongly believe the only way we can get a radical Labour government is by backing a Peoples Vote. Polling shows this consistently. Even if I were to be proven wrong on this count – a Corbyn-led government in this entirety would be doomed to the same failure as Theresa Mays.

Elsie Greenwood is a young Unite member and a supporter of For our Futures Sake


new statesman america


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As a young Unite member, Len McCluskey does not represent me on Brexit

There is one thing on which Len McCluskey and I agree: its clear we have a divided society.

And no longer is it the binary, simple Leave vs Remain. We now have many on the left calling for a “Corbyn/jobs-first Brexit”, with no indicator of what this really means.

As a young person, I yearn for a cohesive Labour Brexit stance that benefits not only party members but all people, including Unite members like myself.

Im therefore disappointed, if not surprised, by Len McCluskey and other leading political figures. Those who are meant to represent me and my interests seem to be making decisions on one criterion – the internal politics of the Labour Party.

In his recent article, McCluskey outlined his concerns regarding a second referendum, claiming we cannot undermine a “decision taken by a clear majority just two years ago”. Aside from the fact that this majority clearly no longer exists – with most polls showing a clear lead both for wanting a Peoples Vote and staying within the European Union – what about the members he is meant to represent?

YouGov polling shows that 57 per cent of young Unite members such as myself think our union should back a Peoples Vote. Four out of five of us would vote to stay within the European Union if such a vote were held. I therefore ask the leader of my union – why should our voices be ignored?

While neither the European Union nor a Peoples Vote should be absolved from criticism – I worry about whether Unites leadership truly understand the reasons why people voted Leave. When McCluskey refers to Mansfield – a town just 15 minutes away from my home – he argues that the core constituency there was to vote against the “the neo-liberal elite”. Im not convinced Mr McCluskey has spent much time in Mansfield, as it's clear from speaking to anyone there that this is not the case.

Under the Conservatives, the cuts to policing and social security have decimated much of Mansfields community. The average income is way below the national average, alongside a high unemployment rate and few opportunities for young people in the area. It is issues like this that caused 71 per cent of people in Mansfield to vote Leave, not a faceless political faction. But, in an area neglected under the Tories, the last thing young people need is the uncertainty and risk that the current Brexit will bring to their jobs and livelihoods.

McCluskey and I would also agree on the answer to what must done about tackling austerity. We need a Labour government to rectify the wrongs of the past decade – to be radical and rebuild an economy to work for the many, not the few.

The reality is that this cannot come about with a weak and incohesive stance on Brexit. As shown at the recent Labour Party conference and in recent polling, both Labour members (87 per cent) and young Unite members (57 per cent) are seeking a Peoples Vote.

This isnt just about winning: without a Peoples Vote, a future Labour government has no real opportunity to implement progressive, socialist legislative change, as we will be working to clean up the current Brexit mess.

Its clear that decisions regarding Brexit go past party lines. Unite jobs are at risk, a fact that it is time people recognised. As one of Britains largest unions, it is essential that at this time of national crisis, we stand in favour of workers, not internal party politics. Recent reports show we will be worse off with Brexit, a result that will disproportionately affect the young and the poor. We must stand tall against the hard Brexiters and say that no one voted for this deal.

While we must address concerns of Leave voters, we cannot do so by playing into the hands of right. The likes of Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage want to convince us that this is what people want, and we cannot be fooled. Unite workers did not vote to lose their jobs. Labour members did not vote to be worse off. British people did not vote to be poorer, internationally isolated and to be told what they believe.

Thats why I say again. As a young woman and a Unite member, I ask Len McCluskey: support the voices of your members who are asking for a chance to be heard. Recognise that a Peoples Vote is what the majority wants, and is in the interest of your members – including myself.

This isnt about putting country before party – I strongly believe the only way we can get a radical Labour government is by backing a Peoples Vote. Polling shows this consistently. Even if I were to be proven wrong on this count – a Corbyn-led government in this entirety would be doomed to the same failure as Theresa Mays.

Elsie Greenwood is a young Unite member and a supporter of For our Futures Sake


new statesman america


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