Investigation reopened into scandal-hit surgeon Paolo Macchiarini
The entrance to Stockholm's Karolinska University Hospital, where three of Macchairini's transplants were carried out. Photo: Christine Olsson / TT
A preliminary investigation into scandal-hit celebrity surgeon Paolo Macchiarini has been reopened, a senior prosecutor said on Tuesday.
Surgeon Paolo Macchiarini is suspected of two cases of causing bodily injury in relation to trachea transplants.
"It is only a first step, but it is very pleasing," the lawyer representing relatives of both patients told the TT newswire.
Prosecutors dropped an earlier probe into the surgeon in October 2017 despite concluding that there had been a degree of negligence, but announced that they would re-examine manslaughter and related charges two months later.
Disgraced surgeon and researcher Macchiarini attained world fame after completing the first synthetic trachea transplant using stem cells in 2011, and carried out four trachea operations carried out on three patients at the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm.
However, all three patients later died, one five years after the surgery, as well as four others who were operated on outside Sweden.
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