Day View

On November 7, Nyngan Day View held their monthly meeting at the Australia Hotel. Once again members and friends enjoyed a beautiful lunch with Rebecca George, who by all reports was an excellent speaker. Nyngan Day View will hold it's last meeting for the year at the Nyngan RSL Club bowlers bar on Wednesday, December 5, which will be the Christmas party. To make this a success the committee is asking members and friends if they would contribute something toward the hamper, which is the raffle for December. The committee also decided to bring a gift and accept a gift exchange, something under $10. Many thanks for your support. Those wishing to attend this Christmas luncheon would you please contact Hazel Griffith for catering purposes by phoning 6832 1590 before Monday, December 3. Nyngan Day View received an invitation from Cobar Day View to attend their Christmas party on Saturday, December 1, venue the Empire Hotel, 10.30am. RSVP to Margaret Potter on 6836 3246 before November 28. The committee wish to thank Jan McConochie who has resigned as coordinator after many years of cheerfully taking the bookings of members and friends coming to the monthly meetings.
On November 7, Nyngan Day View held their monthly meeting at the Australia Hotel.
Once again members and friends enjoyed a beautiful lunch with Rebecca George, who by all reports was an excellent speaker.
Nyngan Day View will hold it's last meeting for the year at the Nyngan RSL Club bowlers bar on Wednesday, December 5, which will be the Christmas party.
To make this a success the committee is asking members and friends if they would contribute something toward the hamper, which is the raffle for December.
The committee also decided to bring a gift and accept a gift exchange, something under $10.
Many thanks for your support.
Those wishing to attend this Christmas luncheon would you please contact Hazel Griffith for catering purposes by phoning 6832 1590 before Monday, December 3.
Nyngan Day View received an invitation from Cobar Day View to attend their Christmas party on Saturday, December 1, venue the Empire Hotel, 10.30am.
RSVP to Margaret Potter on 6836 3246 before November 28.
The committee wish to thank Jan McConochie who has resigned as coordinator after many years of cheerfully taking the bookings of members and friends coming to the monthly meetings.
Nyngan Observer