Tariq Ramadan denied release for fourth time

The fourth request to release rape-accused Tariq Ramadan was rejected, AFP learned on Thursday from a source close to the matter.
Ramadans lawyer told AFP that he appealed this decision. Ramadan has been detained since his indictment on February 2 following complaints from two women filed in 2017.
In his rejection order, reportedly dated November 6, the judge deemed that the detention “is still necessary”, mentioning in particular “risks of pressure on the complainants.”
Following a year of denials, Tariq Ramadan finally admitted on October 22 to having physical relations with the two women, but he said that the relations were “consensual”. Although this argument is mentioned in the order, the judges position was not affected.
Up until October, the 56-year-old preacher had denied any physical relationship with both women, but had admitted to extramarital affairs in June with former mistresses and a third complainant which he did not receive a charge for.
He was forced to take account when text messages from one of the complainants old phones were made public.
Ramadan's lawyer, Emmanuel Marsigny, had said that the text messages exchanged with with the complainant in the fall of 2012, a few months after the alleged rape, demonstrate, according to him, a consensual relationship.
“In light of the latest evidence demonstrating the lies of the civil parties, the decision of the judge is incomprehensible,” reacted the council to AFP.
“It is obvious that Mr. Ramadan is being detained for other reasons.”
The 55-year-old said he had a consensual relationship with the complainant who accused him of raping her nine times between 2013 and 2014, his lawyer added.
Last Update: Friday, 9 November 2018 KSA 09:17 – GMT 06:17