Matching people who want to give with the people in genuine need

A drought-relief organisation has met with local charities and groups to identify what struggling communities need.
GIVIT is a not-for-profit organisation which works in partnership with the NSW Government to support communities during the drought.
GIVIT NSW drought-relief manager Scott Barrett visited Nyngan on Thursday, October 25 to meet local charities and coordinate donation deliveries.
“We are working with hundreds of charities on the ground, big and small, to find out what communities need, Mr Barrett said.
“We match the people who want to give with the people in genuine need.
“People have been very generous throughout this drought but what we have seen is a few examples of maybe not the right thing getting to the people in the right way.”
Mr Barrett said they work with charities, organisations, councils, service clubs and other groups who can identify people in need and then register and list their genuine needs.
GIVIT has already helped source various requests including fuel vouchers, machinery parts, feed supplements, school uniforms and sport equipment.
“A big part of our focus is that we try and buy in local areas, rather than send a box of Weet-Bix out from Sydney we would rather buy that in the community because that helps the local businesses.
- Read more local stories here.
“A key aspect is that 100 per cent of donations given to GIVIT, end up in the community, our overheads and wages and admin are all covered through other partnerships.
“So if someone wants to donate to GIVIT, 100 per cent of that donation whether it be $20 or $20,000, it ends up in the hands of people that need as identified by the charities working with them.”
Nyngan Observer