Tommy Robinson gave a speech about not having freedom of speech and the burns kept coming – the 15 funniest takedowns

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, appeared at the Old Bailey this morning as part of the proceedings relating to a charge of contempt of court. The case has been referred to the Attorney General due to some complex points of law. This didnt stop Yaxley-Lennon addressing a huge crowd of supporters for an hour, from a stage erected outside the court for that purpose.
The irony of his speech containing references to not having freedom of speech did not escape many people. That and some other issues feature in these 15 brilliant burns.
Tommy Robinson fans:
You are all Snowflake cucksAlso Tommy Robinson fans:
I was sad about Tommy Robinson being in jail so I wrote a song about him and set it to Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley— James Felton (@JimMFelton) October 23, 2018
Oh dear, #TommyRobinson is trending. The beer-bellied brownshirts are gathering outside the Old Bailey in a cloud of ale fumes and Lynx to protest the law being applied to the Grima Wormtongue of the hooligan right. "Id rather go to jail for the next 25 years" he says. Okay.
— Paul (@PaulOnBooks) October 23, 2018
Just had the joy of walking past the Tommy Robinson supporters at the Old Bailey. If youre into angry, swearing white people who pay little attention to their physical appearance and drink strong continental lager at 10am, get yourself down there. Youll dine like a king.
— Robbie Knox (@RobbieKnox) October 23, 2018
I see that Peahen Yakety-Lemon is at the Old Bailey again with his anti-grammar spuds.
— Richard Littler (@richard_littler) October 23, 2018
Tommy Robinson is complaining that he doesnt have freedom of speech while utilising his freedom of speech… at a rally… in front of thousands of people… and the media… wheres the logic?
— Hasan Patel
(@CorbynistaTeen) October 23, 2018
This just in:
As the crowd swells to a couple of hundred, the combined IQ of the racist, finger-sniffing cunts outside the Old Bailey has finally hit four digits.
— Max Terror
(@SpillerOfTea) October 23, 2018
"Put your hand up if you are a far-right Tommy Robinson supporter and would like to nip into the Old Bailey for a wee"
— Will Black (@WillBlackWriter) October 23, 2018
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