There was something about this tweet by Home Secretary Sajid Javid that made people furious

Home secretary Sajid Javid has come in for fierce criticism after he said this on Twitter about the case of a grooming gang in Huddersfield that raped and abused girls as young as 11 and was found guilty on Friday of more than 120 offences against 15 girls.
These sick Asian paedophiles are finally facing justice. I want to commend the bravery of the victims. For too long, they were ignored. Not on my watch. There will be no no-go areas
— Sajid Javid (@sajidjavid) October 19, 2018
And this is why people were so angry about it.
Would you have commented on the race or ethnicity of a white or black defendant? No. Shame on you for sowing division.
— David Lammy (@DavidLammy) October 19, 2018
Thanks for capitalising the “A” in asians Sajid. Good to see you showing grammatical respect to the community even as you throw it under the bus to appease racists in your own party.
— Nish Kumar (@MrNishKumar) October 20, 2018
“No go areas”
“Asian paedophiles “
This should not be the language of a Home Sec
The victims of these appalling crimes deserve better – they need to be protected , believed & supported.
This issue is too serious for political posturing
You are better than this Sajid
— Sayeeda Warsi (@SayeedaWarsi) October 20, 2018
Really disturbing language from a home secretary. Seems to deliberately mimic far-right coverage.
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) October 20, 2018
“These sick British paedophiles are finally facing justice”
“Yep. But I cant help but wonder if theres a way I can pin their crimes on a whole fucking continent and mop up some racist votes in the process.”— James Felton (@JimMFelton) October 19, 2018
Language like this puts British Asians at risk of racist violence – and whats more, does nothing to prevent or address child sexual exploitation.
We can reject both racism and rape culture. It isnt hard.
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) October 19, 2018
Asian (or British, Pakistani origin, Muslim, Lancashire-born, Bristolian Banker) Home Secretary points to ethnicity of mainly Yorkshire, Pakistani, Muslim, brown, working class, disgusting criminals convicted. If there is something about identity in this crime is it Asian?
— Krishnan Guru-Murthy (@krishgm) October 20, 2018
This language worries me. These criminals are British. + the language of no-go areas is Trump/Orban/Salviniesque; playing to the Tommy Robinson crowds. It does nothing to help community cohesion. This worries me, Home Secretary, it really does. What are you trying to achieve?
— Jessica Simor QC (@JMPSimor) October 19, 2018
Did you mean: “This complex case was successfully prosecuted following a diligent investigation and due to the testimony of brave victims, all of which was jeopardised by far-right extremists. As Home Secretary I will not tolerate any risk to fair trials” ?
— James Patrick (@J_amesp) October 19, 2018
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