James OBriens description of newly released Anjem Choudary is the takedown he truly deserves

The Islamist hate preacher, Anjem Choudary, who was jailed in 2016 for encouraging people to support terror group Islamic State, has been released from Belmarsh Prison after two years. LBC presenter, James OBrien discussed the clerics rise with his listeners, at one point making this point.
"Anjem Choudary and the far-right are two cheeks of the same backside – and I'd be happy to see neither of them ever again."@mrjamesob pic.twitter.com/T3QaUlPdOD
— LBC (@LBC) October 19, 2018
“Two cheeks of the same backside” seems quite accurate, and it makes it all the more suspicious that the far-right protesters who taped up their mouths in support of Tommy Robinson didnt make the same argument about Choudary. What could possibly be the reason?
Amidst all the facts and outrage, some people treated his release with the contempt it deserves.
I cant help be suspicious that the vile Anjem Choudary has been released just in time for Im a Celebrity….
— Paul Sinha (@paulsinha) October 19, 2018
“Why was Anjem Choudary in prison? Who is Anjem Choudray dating? What time is Anjem Choudrary on Strictly Come Dancing? How much does Anjem Choudrary weigh compared to Justin Bieber?”
— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) October 19, 2018
There was also this little trip for him to look forward to.
Looking forward to taking Anjem Choudary to the Cereal Killer Cafe today!
— hussein kesvani (@HKesvani) October 19, 2018
We wont hold our breath waiting for the EDL campaign on his behalf.
The Poke