Wear it, share it and support the community

The St Vincent de Paul Society will launch the first national Dressed By Vinnies Day on Friday October 26.
The national event encourages all Australians who love a fashionable bargain to visit their local Vinnies Shop, find something they love, wear it on the day and share a photo on social media by using the hashtag #DressedbyVinnies. The theme for Dressed By Vinnies Day 2018 is Wear it and share it!.
Long-time Vinnies supporter and ambassador Joe Hildebrand will be getting involved on the day.
“My mother basically raised me in an op shop, which is where I got my impeccable fashion sense and became the style icon people know and love today,” Hilderbrand said.
“There is absolutely no better way to make great quality clothing affordable to people, raise vital funding for people in need and reduce the massive amount of clothing that is wasted every year. It is win, win, win and the best part is you can look good while doing it.”
Retail Development Manager for Vinnies NSW Jacqui Dropulic explained being dressed by Vinnies is easy as thousands of people already know.
“This year we are encouraging our loyal customers, and people who may never have shopped at their local Vinnies, to uncover a fantastic fashion item – a dress, a shirt, shoes, or even a whole outfit – and show everyone what they found via social media,” she said.
“When customers shop at Vinnies, they are also helping us provide assistance to 1.8 million men, women and children experiencing disadvantage in local communities. Your dollars fund services like crisis accommodation, youth programs, food vans and migrant and refugee assistance.”
“From Byron Bay to Margaret River, Hobart to Cairns, there are over 650 Vinnies Shops across Australia to choose your Dressed By Vinnies Day outfit from – and we cant wait to see you wear it and share it!”
Participating in Dressed By Vinnies Day is easy, with a free Dressed By Vinnies styling guide with top tips for shopping at Vinnies available for download: https://dressedby.vinnies.org.au
For those who would like to hold a Dressed by Vinnies Day with friends or colleagues, you can also download a free Dressed By Vinnies host guide.
Nyngan Observer