Yemen minister: Houthis forcing female teachers to take part in armed protests

Houthi militias have forced teachers from Maain district of Sanaa to attend an armed protest on Tuesday, according to Yemens information minister.
“The militia prepared a program for the armed protests, which included female participants, in districts and governorates under their control for one month. The female teachers were told to participate otherwise they would be dismissed from their jobs,” Yemeni Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani said on Twitter.
“The practices of the Iranian-backed militia against the citizens in their areas of their control and the destructive policies of the educational process in detail reveal their true intentions toward Yemen and Yemenis,” he added.
The Houthi militias military recruitment of children has increased after many of their members have been killed and many others refuse to fight on their frontlines and on behalf of Iran.
The Houthis have so far recruited more than 23,000 children in a stark violation of international agreements and laws that protect childrens rights. Of those, 2,500 children have been recruited since the beginning of 2018.
Last Update: Tuesday, 16 October 2018 KSA 14:37 – GMT 11:37