CNN reporter admits use of ignorant gay slur as offensive tweets resurface

CNN White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins has apologized for homophobic tweets she sent back in her college days after the deleted messages resurfaced online.
Collins, who routinely features on CNN with updates coming from the Trump administration, sent the offensive tweets in 2011.
They appear to have resurfaced via a Twitter page belonging to the Log Cabin Republicans, an organization which describes itself as the US “largest organization representing LGBT conservatives.”
One of the offending tweets sees the journalist use a homophobic slur, while in another Collins tells a friend she is unsure if she wants to room with a lesbian.
Collins, a former Daily Caller journalist who graduated from the University of Alabama, said she sent the messages to friends while she was in college.
Apologizing for the historic tweets, Collins admitted to using “ignorant language.”
“It was immature but it doesnt represent the way I feel at all. I regret it and apologize,” she said.
When I was in college, I used ignorant language in a few tweets to my friends. It was immature but it doesnt represent the way I feel at all. I regret it and apologize.
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) October 7, 2018
The re-emerging tweets have seen Collins come in for considerable flack.
Oh so when you were in college…that was acceptable…poor excuse…never acceptable
— RedMaine (@jbf200617) October 8, 2018
However, others online have supported the news network reporter, urging her not to be disheartened by the furor.
Im a proud gay man. And I am a proud friend of @kaitlancollins. Tho Im disappointed that she ever used the word (even as an immature college kid), I can say with certainty it doesnt reflect her feelings toward the LGBTQ community. Shes apologized and I accept that.
— Matt Dornic (@mdornic) October 7, 2018
You are an amazing reporter! We all have said and done things early I life that we regret. Hang tough and dont let these people bring you down. Stay strong!! Love watching you on CNN.. You got this!
— Lisa Phipps (@rknmmof3grls) October 8, 2018
Long forgotten social media posts have come back to bite a number of high profile celebrities in recent years. Earlier this year, Atlanta Braves pitcher Sean Newcomb said he regretted homophobic tweets dating back to 2012.
UK rapper Stormzy was also previously caught up in a similar scandal when screenshots appeared of old messages he sent on Twitter containing the word f****t and its shorter derivative.
“I said some foul and offensive things whilst tweeting years ago at a time when I was young and proudly ignorant. Very hurtful and discriminative views that Ive unlearned as Ive grown up and become a man,” the artist said, apologizing in 2017.
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