The 15 funniest reactions to the Tory conference app security breach

Its 2018 and much of our lives involve technology of some sort, including virtually ubiquitous apps, so it was no surprise that the Conservative Party released an app to support delegates and press attending their party conference. Unfortunately, as Guardian columnist Dawn Foster revealed in now deleted tweets, the Tory app had a huge flaw, allowing the details of conference attendees, including government ministers, to be accessed and even changed.
It raised certain issues.
I cannot wait to see the size of the GDPR fine for this one.
— Hannah Rich (@hannahmerich) September 29, 2018
I sincerely hope they pick their border enforcement technology developers better than they do their app developers.
— Oli Mould (@olimould) September 29, 2018
So I decided to bite and download the Tory conference app to see for myself and I…managed to get the mobile number of a Cabinet Minister in under three minutes which is both really, really bad and also very funny.
— Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian) September 29, 2018
Tories tell us that there are hi-tech solutions to the Northern Ireland border.
Meanwhile at Tory party conference they're using an app that allows anyone with a phone to sign themselves in as The Home Secretary.
I'm reassured.#ToryApp
— Otto English (@Otto_English) September 29, 2018
Breaking News: after the Tory conference app fiasco the party has decided to upgrade to Windows98.
— Jim McCabe (@Macca00) September 30, 2018
the Tory conference app has its own tinder but for complete bastards
— pete (@corbynfisher) September 28, 2018
The Tory app leak seems like a big deal on Twitter, but most of the membership won't even know about it until their newsletter comes in the post later in the week.
— heartbeeps (@hrtbps) September 30, 2018
The personal details of everyone attending Tory conference revealed to the public, Boris Johnsons profile pic changed to hardcore porn, Michael Goves to a picture of Rupert Murdoch etc etc = “a technical issue”.
— Kevin Schofield (@PolhomeEditor) September 29, 2018
Love that the Tories spunked a load of dosh on getting some slick corporate techies to design an app with a data breach so big that it completely negates the need for a snoopers charter.
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) September 29, 2018
The Tories are blaming the almighty app cock up on the private company they outsourced it to. So have they finally learned that outsourcing to the private sector is a very bad idea?
— Owen Jones
(@OwenJones84) September 30, 2018
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