
Mental Health Month begins with Wacky Wednesday

As October rolls around next week, it marks the start of Mental Health Month which aims to raise public awareness of mental health and social and emotional wellbeing in communities.

To kick start the month the Nyngan Community Services Action Group has planned Wacky Wednesday on October 3.

Workplaces and organisations are invited to join in on the day by wearing brightly coloured clothing, donning a wacky hat or a funky hairstyle.


Wendy Beetson from Ability Links said the objective of the day is to show a united visual display of support to help break down the stigma and discrimination often associated with mental illness.

“Help to change perceptions by learning the facts about mental ill health, know where to find help, and look out for your mates,” Ms Beetson said

“Ask if theyre ok and look after your own wellbeing, all things we can do to help make our community a more friendly and inclusive place to live,” she said.

This years theme for Mental Health Month is Share the Journey to encourage individuals and communities to connect with others and recognise how important this is for our mental health and wellbeing.

Nearly half of all Australians (45 per cent) will experience some form of mental illness during their lifetime, and those that dont will most likely know someone that does.

Good social connections are important for our health and survival – they help us with our journey to better mental health and our ability to cope with lifes struggles. They not only improve our overall wellbeing, they also build our resilience.


Nyngan Observer


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