
CWA celebrate Poland with International Day

Last Tuesday afternoon Nyngan CWA members welcomed senior students from Nyngan Public School and St Josephs to our International Day, which is held every year.

This year the country of study was Poland and the children from Years 5 and 6 had not only created some very interesting power points on this country but had also spent time in preparing plays and a dance to share with us.


St Josephs students acted out two Polish legends.

The first was about the first Polish settlement, where Seth first saw the beautiful white-tailed eagle and which later became the national emblem of Poland.

The second was the legend of the mermaid, who became the protector of Polands capital city, Warsaw.

The children did a great job in preparing and presenting these plays.

The Public School children entertained us with a flamboyant Polish folk dance, skilfully choreographed to traditional Polish music by one of their teachers, Mrs Lennon.

It was so obvious that the children from both schools totally enjoyed themselves as they presented their items, which the parents, friends and CWA members also very much enjoyed.

A big thank you to all the children who put a great deal of effort into their power points and to the children who entertained us so well at our International Day.

Congratulations to those children who received a first or second prize or a highly commended certificate for their power points and to the three zealous children who completed posters as well.

A delicious afternoon tea was enthusiastically devoured by everyone before the teachers and children returned to their respective schools.

Thank you to the teachers who helped prepare the childrens items and who guided them with their power points creations.

We extend our appreciation to Maryanne Bourke for again coordinating the International Day very efficiently and to the CWA members who provided the afternoon tea.

The day was truly a wonderful tribute to the beautiful country of Poland.


Nyngan Observer


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