Stepping On with confidence at the Nyngan Health Service
Nyngans seniors are getting active with the Western NSW Health Stepping On Program.
The free program is for people 65 and over and includes practical exercises to improve strength and balance and covers a range of topics and sessions with local health professionals and guest speakers.
Stepping On with confidence at the Nyngan Health Service
Registered Nurse and organiser Bernadette Holmes said the program is an internationally recognised Australian designed course, which is presented by health professionals who provide up to date advice on how to build confidence and stop falls.
“More than one third of adults aged over 65 fall each year,” Ms Holmes said.
“The Stepping On program is a free program developed in NSW and is now being run in the Nyngan Local Health District.”
“It is available for people aged 65 and over who are living at home and able to walk independently or with a walking stick.”
“The course is designed to improve strength and balance while being fun and informative,” she said.
Last week guest speaker was Gavin Stait from Guide Dogs Australia to offer advice on vision and the importance it has on our ability to move and function effectively.
“Gavin gave a very informative presentation to the group using visual illustrations such as photographs of different conditions illustrating impaired vision compared to normal vision,” Ms Holmes said.
The group based session run for approximately two hours a week for seven weeks, and is followed by a refresher session two months later.
“The Stepping On program is a wonderful way to deliver strategies to assist people aged over 65 to remain independent, by maintaining optimum health, keeping active and prevent falls,” Ms Holmes said.
“Its very inclusive and lots of fun for participants,” she said.
Nyngans Chris Hughes and his wife attended the Stepping On program last year, and highly recommends it to the community.
“My wife and I attended and found this class very helpful,” Mr Hughes said.
“Concerning short exercises and enjoying the company of 12 other people.”
“It was very helpful to be aware of how easy it is to trip over things and to maintain exercise and balance in our day to day things we do.
“We highly recommend it to the elderly people of the Nyngan community,” he said.
Next week the group will meet with local police Sergeant Tony Wood to discuss pedestrian safety, and physio Ellen to go through a number of exercises.
Check out more photos by visiting the Nyngan Observer website.
Nyngan Observer