Father of suspected child rapist was senior officer in Assads army

The issue of the release of the accused of the rape of 14 children in the village of Kreto in the Syrian province of Tartus continues to reverberate at various levels.
The latest fact is that the father of the accused, known as Zine El Abidine Mohamed Youssef Osman, was a former officer in the Syrian army, with the rank of colonel, before he retired.
According to lawyer Montajeb Ayoush, a personal friend of the father of the accused, the former colonel of the Syrian regime, Mohammed Yousuf Osman, was a friend, for the lawyer in question.
Ayoush said that he was not assigned to defend the colonels son before the courts.
Ayoush said in a phone call with Sham FM radio channel, which is loyal to the Assad regime, that if it was proved that the judge had taken a bribe to release the accused and in case the defendant was found guilty, he would set up a gallows in the yard of the village where the rapes took place.
The suspect was re-arrested on Sunday night after a visit by the Minister of Justice of the Syrian regime to Tartus governorate, the scene of the rape after the father of one rape victim published a video which was widely circulated on social media.
In the video, the father complained that the criminal was released, stating that he had confessed his crime and to even more terrible things. “The state of judiciary in Syria is terribly shameful,” the father alleged.
The video aroused a lot of anger among the supporters of the Syrian regime, because of what the father said about the release the rape suspect after 17 days of detaining him. The comments against the judiciary of the Syrian regime were harsh after Damascus Now website asserted that the judge took 4 million Syrian pounds as a bribe to release the convict Zain al-Abidine Mohamed Youssef Othman.
The supporters of the Syrian regime tried at the beginning to hide the identity of the suspect. However, after Monatjeb Ayoush spoke to the local radio and declared that the father of the alleged suspect is a former officer in the regimes army, the cover was blown and the issue has reached a totally new level, according to the observers of the case.
Assads regime had previously called Tartus governorate the “Martyrs governorate” as the number of those who were killed who for its favor, exceeded any other place in the country.
Last Update: Sunday, 19 August 2018 KSA 19:28 – GMT 16:28