Malmedalen: New political festival launched in troubled Swedish suburb
While the 'Malmedalen' festival isnt featuring Prime Minister Stefan Löfven or the leaders of any of the four parties of the centre-right Alliance opposition, it will nonetheless features some serious politicians.
Swedens foreign minister Margot Wallström is coming down to attend. Mattias Karlsson, the group leader for the Sweden Democrats in the Swedish parliament, is coming, as are Gustav Fridolin, Jonas Sjöstedt and Gudrun Schyman, the leaders of the Green, Left and Feminist Initiative parties respectively.
"Almedalen is for the elite. Its only them who can be there, which is extremely sad and regrettable — the only thing is that its out on an island and costs a bomb to go," said Christian Glasnovic, the social entrepreneur who founded the festival.
The festival will be held in a park in Herrgården, a district of Rosengård where only 52 percent of residents voted in Swedens last general election.
"We want to boost the vote, but we also want to show politicians that they dont only need to come here and take a picture, but that they can also come and hang out with the people," Glasnovic added.
Glasnovic, a youthworker who leads the Malmö group Rörelsen Gatans Röst, says many of those he works with have no idea what phrases like Red-Green government or Alliance parties even mean.
He hopes that seeing the politicians in the flesh will help people living in Malmö suburbs better understand who leading politicians are.
"At the end of the day, people need to get to know these people," he said. "Its very important. You see them mainly on TV in strange debates and strange surroundings, so instead of building up some form of hate or something, its better for these people to come here, get up on a stage and hang out with the people who live here."
Glasnovic hopes to translate the speeches into Arabic, Somali and English, so that as many as possible of those attending can understand what is being said. There will also be seminars and panel discussions on various subjects.
In Herrgården last year, the Social Democrats got 79 percent of the vote.