The Farmhouse brings home the bacon at Australian Food Awards

Margaret River family owned butchery, smokehouse and charcuterier The Farmhouse has emerged from the 2018 Australian Food Awards decorated as one of the countrys top producers of bacon.
Two medals by judges at the Melbourne presentations confirmed the businesss top producer status.
”The Farm House bacon is cured and smoked in house using local apple wood,” said manager Tom Hayward.
“All of the products are handmade, with minimal additives, using free range and ethically farmed animals.”
The Farmhouse supplies fresh meat and smallgoods to restaurants, cafes and delicatessens in Perth and across the South West, and Mr Hayward said the bustling Margaret River Farmers Market remained a favourite spot for locals and visitors to pick up some of their products.
“Even in the quieter times of year like we are in now, people are still keen to come and see us and business is travelling well,” he said of The Farmhouses weekly stall.
The Australian Food Awards (AFA) is Australias leading national food awards program, conducted by The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV).
With the AFAs brand seal, producers are offered broader opportunities to leverage success locally and internationally.
Margaret River Mail