If youre going to a wedding this summer, why not stick a bath puff in your hair?

Womens mags are nothing if not an endless source of strange stories and unfathomable advice.
Their sex tips can be enough to put you off coitus for life. The real-life stories are often horrifying (see Take A Break).
But when it comes to sartorial advice, womens mags – and particularly their readers – are second to none.
Take Lillian Smith, for example.
She embodies this countrys finest make do and mend attitude.
I couldnt find a hat or fascinator in the colour I liked for an upcoming party, she says.
But I still wanted something fetching to wear in my hair. Seeing a bath puff in the exact shade I was looking for gave me an idea. I attached it to a hair clip and put it in my hair. Job done.
It matched my outfit perfectly and looked great!
See, all this time you thought your humble ball of bath nylon was just there for back scrubbing when, in fact, it doubles up as the perfect hair accessory.
And everyone is 100% behind Lillian for her creativity and resourcefulness.
Sure, there might be more important stuff going on in the world
Yes I know England are through to the last 16 at the World Cup but can we please all actually be upstanding for Lilian from Preston who has gone to a wedding wearing a fascinator she made from a bath puff pic.twitter.com/9UoHq750Ww
— Rachel Humphreys (@rachel_hump) June 24, 2018
But finally, we have a hero we can be proud of
I want to be this woman's neighbour. I want her to come over and give me all her hacks. https://t.co/tBh1sUMoOC
— ?????????????? (@CRREdwards) June 23, 2018
Someone who makes us proud to be British
There is nothing fascinating about shopping for a fascinator… except when a bath puff is a perfect match
— Hazel Dickson (@HazelD_Waters) June 22, 2018
Who personifies true blue sky thinking
Lillian, we salute you
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