Which wrist should you wear your watch on?

Most people wear their watches on the left wrist, but is wearing yours on the right wrong?
According to Stephen Charles from Parkers Jewellers, specialists in pre-owned and vintage watches, theres no definitive answer.
Stephen tells Metro.co.uk: The most common wrist to wear a watch on would be the left.
As majority of the population are right-handed, the crown (or winder) of the watch is typically on the right hand side of the case, making it much easier to adjust the settings using your right hand. Hence theyre normally on the left wrist.
Even if the user is left handed, its still easier to adjust with the watch on the right wrist due to the placement of the crown.
There is no rule on which wrist to wear it, it just comes down to ease of adjusting the settings. Some of the digital watches have buttons rather than winders and as such can be worn on whichever you prefer, as theyre easy to adjust no matter what wrist theyre on.
The popularity of streamlined smart watches from brands like Apple and Sony and classic digital timepieces like the Casio means that more people are using winder-less watches than ever before. It doesnt matter which wrist theyre placed on.
More: Fashion
In September 2017, the Apple Watch became the top selling watch globally, outstripping traditional brands including Rolex.
However, if you are wearing an analogue timepiece that needs to be adjusted with a winder, theres no hard and fast rule about which wrist you should have your watch on. If you choose to wear it on your right wrists – either because youre left handed or you prefer it – no ones going to give you side eye.
Just do whatever feels comfortable for you.
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