KSA gives $31 billion aid to 78 countries, Yemen tops list

Fri, 2018-06-22 03:15
JEDDAH: Since the foundation of Saudi Arabia, its wealth has not been limited to its citizens but has been spread throughout most of the world.
It has provided humanitarian aid, charitable grants and soft loans to countries regardless of color or race. The Kingdom has always been one of worlds top providers of aid.
To highlight the Kingdoms effort internationally and to preserve its right to give in the same way as the major donor countries, King Salman issued a royal decree, under the guidance of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSRelief), to establish a database of Saudi aid, including the Kingdoms humanitarian assistance in coordination with the relevant authorities.
The center worked on the design and prepared the platform for the registration of humanitarian, development and philanthropic projects and contributions based on international standards in the registration and documentation of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (DAC-OECD), and the UN's Financial Tracking Service (UNFTS) and the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI).
Saudi aid is in cash and in-kind assistance, provided in humanitarian and charitable grants and soft loans to promote development. The aid data also includes payments and subsequent financial commitments.
Saudi donors have been trained to provide and classify the aid in three phases: The first 10 years (2007-2017) — the current phase — the second phase (1996-2006) and the third phase, which includes the rest of the assistance provided since the establishment of the Kingdom.
The Kingdom has a long history in a variety of sectors and fields, where it is called the Kingdom of Humanity and its name is associated with issues that call for peace and giving.
The Kingdoms humanitarian tenders in accordance with the official Saudi Aid Platform in its current phase (2007-2017) has reached a total of $32.83 billion.
The number of the Kingdoms humanitarian, development and philanthropic projects reached 1,084, with a total of $31.90 billion for 78 benefiting countries.
The financial contributions to international organizations and entities included (489) contributions totaling $929,711,258 to 37 beneficiaries. Development aid amounted to $493.88 billion and humanitarian aid to $353.440 billion, while philanthropic aid reached $82.381 billion.
The top five recipient countries of aid from Saudi Arabia are: Yemen, with a total of $14 billion for 290 projects, followed by Syria with a total of $3 billion/153 projects, Egypt was ranked third with a total of $2 billion/20 projects, while Niger was ranked fourth with a total of $1.230 billion/7 projects and Mauritania was ranked fifth with 14 projects and a total of $1.219 million.
The top five beneficiaries of the Kingdom were the UN with 45 contributions totaling $303.37 million, the General Secretariat of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf with 23 contributions totaling $225.849 million, the League of Arab States with 28 contributions totaling $140.810 million, the UN Development Program with 24 contributions totaling $80.200 million and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation with 21 contributions totaling $48.395 million.
The official public statistics of Saudi humanitarian, development and philanthropic projects to serve the continents and regions worldwide have reached more than $21.165 billion in Asia, $9.810 billion in Africa, $379 million in Europe, $376 million in North America and $170 million in Europe and Central Asia.
The number of partners was 192, the number of sectors was 20 and Saudi donors amounted to 10 entities, where the value of development aid amounted to $21 billion, humanitarian aid was $21 billion, while philanthropic donations amounted to $39 billion.
The top 10 projects have reached the highest level by sector, including humanitarian aid relief aid in emergency cases by 69 percent for 716 projects, transportation with 73 projects, religious and social philanthropic activities with 62 projects, education with 60 projects, health with 42 projects, water and public health with 29 projects, power generation and supply with 20 projects in addition to other projects.
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