All you need to know about the Tory MP who blocked upskirting becoming illegal

Plans to make upskirting a criminal offence have been blocked by a single Conservative MP (with the help of one of his Conservative colleagues).
The upskirting bill was blocked at the last minute by Christopher Chope after being intentionally pushed back by Philip Davies filibustering. As it was blocked, another MP yelled Shame!. Shame indeed. There arent enough walls to kick.
— Stevie Martin (@5tevieM) June 15, 2018
If you want to know what kind of person would block legislation making it a specific criminal offence, then here are a few things you might not know about Tory MP Christopher Chope.
If you're wondering what sort of person blocks legislation to ban upskirting, this was Christopher Chope's attitude to Hillsborough
— The Sun Apologies (@SunApology) June 15, 2018
Conservative MP Christopher Chope:
Voted against minimum wage
Voted against equal marriage
Blocked legislation today against “upskirting” – taking crude photos of women against their will and without their knowledgeHis constituency is Christchurch, Dorset. [email protected]
— Julia Macfarlane (@juliamacfarlane) June 15, 2018
So glad that there Christopher Chope and Philip Davis are proudly standing up for the right of British perverts to photograph underneath women's skirts. A
— Zing Tsjeng (@misszing) June 15, 2018
Christopher Chope (the MP that objected) also objected to the Alan Turing Pardon and the Hillsborough debate.
— Ben Gartside (@BenGartside) June 15, 2018
I can only assume we now know what Sir Christopher Chopes main hobby is. I think we should name it Choping in honour of him
— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) June 15, 2018
Who me? Oh I'm just off to take hundreds of pictures of Christopher Chope's tiny weasel dick with a spy camera & complete impunity to see how he fucking well likes it the utter c*nt.
— Phlegm Clandango. (@Cain_Unable) June 15, 2018
I am unspeakably angry. If you feel the same, please email Christopher Chope [email protected] and ask him why he thinks men should be allowed to photograph women's genitals without their consent.
— Rebecca Reid (@RebeccaCNReid) June 15, 2018
I'm sure Christopher Chope MP won't mind people knowing he exercised his democratic right and objected to a bill that protects women from sexual assault by cowardly perverts.
— David Lewis (@davidclewis) June 15, 2018
Sir Christopher Chope has derailed the parliamentary bill to criminalise up-skirting, and quite right too, because its a slippery slope and the next thing you know the ladies will be drinking beer and demanding the vote and whatnot.
— paul bassett davies (@thewritertype) June 15, 2018
The Poke