Heinz will turn Salad Cream into Sandwich Cream and these are the only responses you need

Heinz claims to be considering renaming Salad Cream as Sandwich Cream. People arent happy, with the nation roughly divided between those saying its a stupid idea, and those pointing out its just a PR stunt (probably).
Here are our favourite 15 responses online.
Who else is massively offended @HeinzUK are changing the name of Salad Cream to Sandwich Cream?
Too many syllables; messing with tradition; I put it on SALADs. Cretins. #saladccreamgate #saladcream #heinz #stopmessingwithstuff
— Charlotte Hardy (@ninjaewok) June 5, 2018
They could have called it so many great things. pic.twitter.com/bPsuP58jky— joe heenan (@joeheenan) June 6, 2018
June 6th, 2018
Salad Cream has been renamed Sandwich Cream
Vinegar is called Chip Water
Parmesan is now Cheesy Pasta SprinklesScones are still called scones, so at least they won't cause any arguments.
— innocent drinks (@innocent) June 6, 2018
I see Heinz are considering renaming Salad Cream 'Disingenuous Marketing Stunt'.
— Oonagh (@Okeating) June 5, 2018
If Heinz Salad Cream were a person it would throw itself down a staircase at your wedding just to get attention. pic.twitter.com/CvOlitvIRS
— Justin Myers (@theguyliner) June 5, 2018
Salad cream is A Bad Thing, but "Sandwich Cream" sounds horrendous, borderline evil. https://t.co/6va8v0aYPS
— Mark Wallace (@wallaceme) June 5, 2018
Am I the only one who thinks 'Sandwich Cream' sounds like a euphemism pic.twitter.com/uvzLzX7Rlq
— Julia (@JuliaCHowie) June 5, 2018
Three things about this:
1. “…gloopy white sauce…” is too porno a phrase for a new report.
2. If youre a traditionalist who will be *angered* by Salad Cream being renamed Sandwich Cream, you need to get out more.
3. Heinzs PR is masterful.
— Mic Wright (@brokenbottleboy) June 5, 2018
The risks of Brexit so catastrophic that the reports are locked in a safe, Grenfell families killed by corporate and political stinginess, Windrush citizens treated like dirt – yet Telegraph readers are losing their shit over Salad Cream being renamed Sandwich Cream
— Will Black (@WillBlackWriter) June 5, 2018
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