Favourite 17 responses to people bemoaning that Love Island had more applications than Oxbridge

In case you hadnt noticed, the new series of Love Island started on ITV2 yesterday.
Which must mean its time for the annual Mention that more people apply to be on Love Island than apply to get into Oxbridge day. Seems to come around sooner each year, doesnt it?
Heres BBC1 Breakfast presenter, Dan Walker.
Ive just read that more people applied for #LoveIsland this year than Oxford & Cambridge! What is happening to us?
— Dan Walker (@mrdanwalker) June 5, 2018
And heres his BBC colleague, Tina Daheley.
A reminder that more people applied for Love Island this year than Oxford/Cambridge University.
— Tina Daheley (@TinaDaheley) June 4, 2018
Except not everyone thought this was cause to move the doomsday clock another minute towards midnight.
Here are our favourite responses online.
Probably because Love Island isnt aggressively biased against people from comprehensive schools. https://t.co/gb5JiyEB1j
— Romesh Ranganathan (@RomeshRanga) June 5, 2018
A reminder that Love Island is open to literally anyone, so of course applications are higher than to a selective and notoriously barriered establishment. In other news more people applied for a Tesco Clubcard than Oxbridge… https://t.co/LTicJJwN4w
— j a c k |
(@BootstrapCook) June 5, 2018
Never mind Love Island, did you know that more people have typed “LONDON 1965” into the #DoctorWhoOnTwitch chat than have applied to Oxbridge this year?
— Martin LONDON 1965 Belam (@MartinBelam) June 5, 2018
Ive just read that more people had fish and chips for dinner than steak at Gaucho! What is happening to us?
— Arsène's Son (@hughwizzy) June 5, 2018
'What is happening to us?'
I guess people would rather go on a free holiday than get in tens of thousands of pounds' worth of debt, Daniel. https://t.co/GXTZc9dvSG
— Daniel (@sillyolddaniel) June 5, 2018
You leave #LoveIsland with a hot partner and £25,000, you leave Oxbridge with a lot of debt and huge misconceptions about the world, I know what i'd rather. Plus, I don't think Love Island declines applications depending on what school you went to. https://t.co/iJFwiAwE3i
— krish. (@krishithink) June 5, 2018
More people born in the years 1988-99 with any educational background than 2000-01 with a specific educational background, huge if true https://t.co/dEij8M9FWP
Sex Pelé
(@LowQualityRegen) June 5, 2018
Im sick of the Love Island London media bubble https://t.co/HXjG18GS9V
— Ryan Broderick (@broderick) June 5, 2018
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