
The only 8 Twitter reactions to the Paris Spider-Man you need to read

Mamoudou Gassala, a 22-year-old Malian man who scaled the front of a Parisian building to rescue a dangling child, has been hailed a hero and awarded citizenship of France.

This is how the drama unfolded.

Holy shit, this guy is amazing. What a hero.

— Hannah Jane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) May 27, 2018

Mcontext: hes called Mamoudou Gassama, hes 22, originally from Mali & scaled 4 storeys in 30 seconds to save that toddler in Paris

— Hannah Jane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) May 27, 2018

Hes even met the President.

IMAGE: Mamoudou Gassama with French president Macron, who offered Mamoudou the French citizenship and a job with the fire brigade.

— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) May 28, 2018

Amazing, right? He was immediately dubbed the Spider-Man of Paris. As youd expect, Twitter had a lot to say on the matter.


Update: reports that Mamoudou Gassama has been invited to meet Macron at the Elysee. Can neither confirm nor deny reports that the entire Le Pen family has stormed upstairs to bed without supper, seething with rage

— Hannah Jane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) May 28, 2018


"Now in light of recent events, we've updated our immigration policy. I'm sure you'll understand. Question 1: Can you scale a wall like Spiderman?"

"I… I'm a doctor… I save countless lives…"

"That's not what I asked. Can. You. Scale. A. Wall. Like. Fucking. Spiderman?"

— James Felton (@JimMFelton) May 28, 2018


Hello 911….I'd like to report a black man trespassing. #MamadouGassama #Paris #SpiderMan #BlackLivesMatter

— stacey roberts (@1sroberts) May 28, 2018


CORRECTION: The headline should actually say "Muslim Spiderman" since we always mention a Muslim's religion whenever they make a headline, right?

— Arsalan Iftikhar (@TheMuslimGuy) May 28, 2018


When I watch that French Spiderman video I realize I don't have the upper-body strength of either the rescuer or the toddler.

— J. Elvis Weinstein (@JElvisWeinstein) May 29, 2018


Bloody undocumented migrants flooding over here to Europe…. heroically risking their lives to save the lives of our young children.
Thank you #MamadouGassama. #parisspiderman

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) May 28, 2018


Everyone on my timeline is calling this guy Peter Parker as in Spiderman, but hes really PETER PARKOUR, AMIRITE?

— Hannah Jane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) May 28, 2018


This is an outrage. Its SPIDER-MAN, not Spiderman.

— Dr Adam Rutherford (@AdamRutherford) May 28, 2018

And, in other news …

A man has been dubbed "The Spiderman Of Wakefield" after being filmed shooting a sticky white substance onto city centre skyscrapers

— Visit Wakefield™ (@Visit_Wakefield) May 28, 2018


The Poke


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