FaceOf: Maj. Gen. Mohammed Al-Bassami, director general of the Saudi Traffic Directorate

Author: Sat, 2018-05-26 02:33
Maj. Gen. Mohammed Al-Bassami, director general of the Traffic Directorate, urged people to confirm any news regarding women driving by checking the source and referring to spokesmen to get the facts straight. He denied statements published by some newspapers on Thursday.
He confirmed that women who have international licenses could switch their license to a Saudi one once preparations are complete. He also said that women without licenses have already begun to train in women's driving educational facilities and schools.
Al-Bassami said that the relevant procedures related to the implementation of the Supreme Courts order to apply the traffic system and regulations to males and females alike have been clarified.
Al-Bassami holds a bachelor degree in security sciences from King Fahd Security College in Riyadh. After graduating, he was assigned to the Department of Traffic in the Riyadh Region on June 1, 1988.
Ten years later, he was appointed in the Division of Traffic throughout Riyadh, running security patrols. A few months later he became part of the security unit of the royal familys processions, and a processions security unit leader by April 2000.
By late 2009, he was assistant director of the Hajj and Umrah Security Department for Public Security.
Al-Bassami served as director general for the Hajj and Umrah at the Ministry of Interior before his appointment as director general of Traffic Directorate on October 12, 2017.
During his career, Al-Bassami participated in the Makkah Development Authority comprehensive plan to develop the city. He was also involved in the management and organization of crowds visiting the holy mosques, and plans to improve public transportation in Makkah.
Tags: Saudi ArabiaMaj. Gen. Mohammed Al-BassamiMain category: Saudi Arabia FaceOf: Abdallah Yahya Al-Mouallimi, Saudi Arabias ambassador to the UNFaceOf: Prince Faisal bin Bandar, governor of Riyadh region
Arab News