Real Russian bots: Syria-tested ground drones to enter service before years end – military chief

Three models of ground drones, which proved to be highly useful during Russias demining effort in Syria, will be fully introduced in service before the end of the year, the chief of Russian military engineers said.
Three robotic tools helped Russian troops clear booby traps and mines left behind by militants in Syria. They are Uran-6, a remotely-controlled demining vehicle, and two situation awareness systems, the larger Skarabey (Scarab) and Sfera (Sphere). All three systems are to become standard equipment of the military's engineers corps before the end of the year, its commander, Gen. Lt. Yury Stavitsky told journalists on Tuesday.
The Syrian mission also gave ideas to developers of future equipment, the general added.
The Uran-6 drone and a combat ground vehicle Uran-9 were featured during the V-day parade in Moscow earlier this month. Russia usually uses the annual event to showcase weapons systems that are about to enter service as well as hardware already used by the military.
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