Trazlbat Nyngan Show
Thank you to everyone that attended the Show and supported this great community event, it has been another successful year. Thanks to our wonderful hard working committee members, stewards, judges and volunteers, it would not be possible to run the Show without you all.
I would like to thank our new Stewards who have taken on these sections this year, it is very much appreciated, Brad Carter – Cattle, Julie Walsh – Needlework, Carey Carter & Emily Pitt – The Young Farmer Challenge and Hayley Lane our roving Photographer. Thank you also to our retiring Stewards who have been strong supporters of the Nyngan Show, Richard Hoare – Prime Lambs, Dawn Groves – Needlework.
We are very fortunate in Nyngan to have so many generous sponsors to enable us to run such a large scale event. Sponsorship encompasses so many areas such as money, providing prizes, trophies, cartage of animals, providing sheep for Speed Shear, Sheep Counting. Without this support from so many people we would not be able to add new events to our schedule such as the Ag n Vet Nyngan Young Farmer Challenge and the Prime Lamb Charity Auction. This year we have for the first time introduced a Platinum Sponsor – Trazlbat Pty Ltd, Trazlbat are building the new water storage on the Tottenham Road and were only too happy to support the Nyngan Show as they have felt very welcomed by our community since starting work here. So on behalf of the Nyngan Show Society I would like to thank each and everyone of you for making our Show such a wonderful success again this year.
Our Prime Lamb Charity Auction raised $1150 and all proceeds go to the winning bidders nominated charity, $420.00 Macquarie Home Stay, $530 Royal Flying Doctors and $200 Dollys Dream. Thank you to the people who generously donated the sheep and the people who bought them, a great start to our new event.
Congratulations to Mr Tom ONeill for his Life Membership award and Mr Philip Gibson for his Royal Agricultural Society of NSW award. Both awards are in recognition of the outstanding service that they have given to our society for many years. The success of our Society depends on strong individual commitment such as Toms and Philips, so well done.
Congratulations also must go to our entrants in our Nyngan Showgirl and Teenage Showgirl event. Rebecca George was the winner of the 2018 Nyngan Showgirl and Amy Giddy was our runner-up, Rachael Fitzalan was the winner of the Teenage Showgirl and Anastasia Walsh was our runner-up. It was such a beautiful evening at the Showgirl Dinner and these young ladies made it a success.
The Nyngan RSL has kindly made available to the Nyngan Show Society a cabinent for our perpetual trophies to be put on display in the main bar area. We have received five new perpetuals this year from Elders Nyngan – Merino Ram, Landmark Nyngan – Flock Ewe and Wool, two very special trophies from the Lane Family in Memory of Shelley – Junior Cooking and Junior Floral Art.
Thank you to all the employees of the Bogan Shire Council who helped with preparations at the Showground as always a fabulous job done by all. The gate shelters are a wonderful new addition to the Showgrounds, so thank you Bogan Shire for making this happen.
Nyngan Observer