People have been telling a story in one tweet and here are 9 of the best

People have been telling tales in 280 characters or less using the hashtag #tellastoryinonetweet.
Here are 9 of the best.
As a young reporter, I found a man left in jail for 40 years, just for burning down a barn. The story took off. Cast as heartless incompetents straight out of Dickens, the Home Office moved him to an open prison. He escaped and burned down the barn again #tellastoryinonetweet
— Nick Cohen (@NickCohen4) May 12, 2018
I was in Vladivostok, far eastern Russia. A man ran down the street shouting где (wheres) McDonalds/McDonalds? I thought he was some kind of idiot. So, I explained there is no McDonalds in Vladivostok. He handed me my credit card. Id left it in a shop. #tellastoryinonetweet
— Bryan MacDonald (@27khv) May 12, 2018
You were 30 by time we met again. Vaguely recalled boy Id seen thru endless court appearances, probation, borstal, prison, all for TWOCing. I got you job in garage. 12 yrs later you own that garage because you had faith in me, Mrs F #tellastoryinonetweet
— Jane Furniss (@MaryjaneFurniss) May 11, 2018
Nazis invade Polish village 1942. My gt aunt Helena grabs silver &gives to catholic neighbour for safekeeping,shes taken to a death camp,he stores it for 65yrs, til historian finds my family. We meet man in Krakow age 102.Silver returned. He dies 4mo later. #tellastoryinonetweet
— Sarah Deech (@londonette) May 11, 2018
I'd got engaged to my husband having known him for six weeks. I really knew very little about him, so when I found a biography of his great grandfather on his shelves I read it, to find that in 1888 his great grandmother inherited the house I grew up in. #tellastoryinonetweet
— Debora Robertson (@lickedspoon) May 13, 2018
I stopped. Id forgotten something. As I turned back across the road a hand on my shoulder touched me. I paused and a bus whooshed by, sucking the air out of the space where I would have been. I turned to thank the person but there was no one there. #tellastoryinonetweet
— Hilary Gallo (@hilarygallo) May 12, 2018
#tellastoryinonetweet A 5 year-old was paddling in a gravel pit while his father was fishing some distance away. He got out of his depth and was going to drown. A Barclays bank manager ran in fully clothed and pulled him out. That is why 60+ years later I still use Barclays!
— Richard Barr (@richardbarr47) May 12, 2018
As a tour guide I once took 50 Americans to the Isle of Wight and on the boat over made up and taught them the language Wightish. They spent 3 days greeting everyone with Sharm! and wishing everyone they met a Cooli pec #tellastoryinonetweet
— David Eaton (@dpoeaton) May 13, 2018
You were 5 and had appendicitis. You were scared about having surgery. You told me you would only have an operation if I made Teddy better too. I promised I would. Teddy came to the operating theatre with you. I kept my promise.#TellAStoryInOneTweet
— John-Joe Reilly (@jayjayaah) May 12, 2018
The Poke