#1917LIVE wins Digiday Content Marketing Award for Most Original Use of Twitter

RTs educational historical project #1917LIVE beat giants Viacom and NASCAR in the Digiday Awards Most Original Use of Twitter category.
The Digiday Content Marketing awards recognize the content that connects brands to audiences across channels including mobile, social, video and more. This years winners include National Geographic, Amazon, Netflix and Refinery29.
#1917LIVE was a historical re-enactment of the Russian Revolution which RT launched on Twitter in 2017, inviting anyone to join and participate under the hashtags #1917LIVE and #1917CROWD. Along the way, prominent authors and historians joined the 250,000 cross-platform users, including writers Paulo Coelho and Helen Rappaport.
This award is the projects 20th prize: just this spring #1917LIVE claimed the 2018 Webby Peoples Voice Award, winning peoples hearts for the best use of social media.
The unique digital storytelling format was turned into a book available in hard copy for free. A complete digital version can be downloaded from the books website HERE.
The team behind the idea is currently working on #Romanovs100 – a recollection of the last Russian ruling monarchs daily lives through photographs they took themselves. The cross-platform project involves Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook.