Science leader to deliver free forensics lecture

Science leader to deliver free forensics lecture
Professor Simon Lewis talks forensic science at the community lecture at the high school.
Professor Simon Lewis speaks at Margaret River SHS.
Students at Margaret River Senior High School (MRSHS) will welcome one of Australias leading scientists to the campus this week as part of a series of lectures for the school and wider community.
Award winning lecturer and Professor of Forensic and Analytical Chemistry at Curtin University, Simon Lewis BSc (Hons), PhD, CChem FRSC FRACI will present to the schools Year 9 students this week ahead of the public lecture.
The Bayliss Youth Lecture, an annual event held at the University of WA and Curtin University, offers the insight of a prominent scientist in the academic community.
The Margaret River school is the only regional location for the lecture, and according to teacher Lisa Chandler is a fantastic opportunity for both students and the general public to hear from one of sciences foremost experts.
“Simon is a fantastic presenter and we are very fortunate that he loves coming down here to present to our community for free,” she said.
Professor Lewis will delve into the world of forensic science with a look at the Soham Case, a high profile British murder case involved the investigation of the death of two 10 year old girls in August 2002.
The significance of many different scientific disciplines applied to the investigation and the importance of teamwork will be demonstrated in providing the solution to the tragic crime.
The event is sponsored by the Lions Club of Margaret River and a supper will be provided by Cookies Galore.
The Forensic Science lecture is at MRSHS auditorium tomorrow, Thursday May 10 from 6.30pm to 8pm.
Entry is free but bookings are essential for seating capacity. Call 9757 0700 to reserve seats. Suitable for community members 12 years and over
Margaret River Mail