A polite reminder that if you draw a penis on your ballot paper it will still count

Its local elections day. Woo-hoo!
Theres lots of ways of making your feelings known once youre all alone inside the voting booth, just you and the ballot paper.
Most people do it by sticking an X or a number next to their favoured candidate(s), but some people do this.
Except if its nice and neat and tidy a comedy spunking cock will do just as well as anything else for casting your vote, as Tory MP Glyn Davies confirmed in 2015. Heres what he wrote on Facebook.
“One voter decided to draw a detailed representation of a penis instead of a cross in my box on one ballot paper.
“Amazingly, because it was neatly drawn within the confines of the box the returning officer deemed it a valid vote.
“Im not sure the artist meant it to count, but I am grateful. If I knew who it was, I would like to thank him (or her) personally.”
While were here, just in case you were in any doubt whether to vote, this might help.
This is from my book on how people dont vote in local elections, but probably should. pic.twitter.com/CvYSchxtXr
— Stig Abell (@StigAbell) May 3, 2018
The Poke